Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Asking for less

I saw this in a TV series that I'm watching. 'silicon Valley', would've heard? We always want more. Then we're disappointed when what expected does not happen. So, what if we'd asked for less in the beginning? We wouldn't be disappointed then.

I have this thing, I can't stand it when I disappoint anybody. Be it anybody. I feel hell lot guilty. But I guess in some cases it shouldn't matter! I don't want to be mad at myself for disappointing someone who may never even amount anything in my lifetime or someone who I really don't care about much. What's said is right -  it's good, letting go! I wish I didn't care. So it's sometimes better to not even raise the bar so high that people expect lot from you.
The downside is while you're walking this road, you might not know how far you could go! You might try and limit yourself but that won't do good.
Now here are two separate things I'm talking about. Limiting people and limiting goals. From my point of view, limiting goals is a big NO. But I certainly want to make an effort of limiting the people part. I'm not good at it. I wish. But I'm not.

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