Sunday 12 November 2017


Why do you want home, when you don't want home?

I have mixed feelings these days towards home. I miss my home. But at the same time I've been arguing with my parents for various reasons.

There are various reasons why I exactly don't miss home. Well for starters, my parents have gotten bossy these days. My brother has gotten needy. Friends are anyways busy with their own lives. And if I'm already home, nobody would miss me right?

Missing home is normal when you're  away from it. But why? I'm not sure what I miss exactly. I miss the good times I've spent there. I miss them caring for me. I miss the easy laughter that comes to me when I'm home. Mostly I guess it's the feeling that I belong somewhere. It's like a label. "I'm from this certain place. That's my home."

In the end we all want to belong somewhere, don't we?