Sunday, 12 December 2021

The pathway to success

What is success anyway? Don't you tell me what it is. Because I've heard so many definitions and so many advices, and they're no help so I'm dropping them now. 

I don't know what it is. It is like there are more and more coaches or influencers that are trying to guide everyone on what route to take while they stand atop the footpath or a crossroad. While me/we are in our cars driving somewhere, not sure where. I'm trying to look towards them for directions to my unknown destiny, but it's too crowded. It's jammed. The traffic's a mess and I'm not able to see outside, not able to find out where I am anymore. I'm just rolling with people who are rolling just like me, trapped with others mess or following the external guides that are showing path to the commoners. But these self-important people ar growing day by day and too many people advising too many things so traffics a mess. There are many cars burnt down, battery given up, crshing into others and many speeding ahead. This car scenario is pathetic and i just want to get out and walk. Climb to the highest mountain and look at the trajectory. 
I'm sure I'd find road with no end. And temporary ditches, but I want mine to be a supercar with clean design and great horsepower to fly over the ditches and take me far far away. 

This is stupid. This basically means to step out and examine. But in a longabout way. Also, now I hate guides. You're your own person and your destiny can be decided by your own. I really don't care where they're going or what they're telling anymore. And i hope to hold up to this feeling more and more.

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