Wednesday 1 February 2017


I don't know from where to start.

Maybe when I was really small? As long as I can remember, or so what my mom tells me, I've been bullied. And I cried.

School was a little different. Maybe I was lost in the crowd for anyone to focus on me. But till I came to high-school, bullying changes. I was being teased by a shitty guys name for no reason. And the whole lot of people watched. I said nothing.

College was fun. I had good friends. But the worse you feel is when those friends themselves try and bully you. There were two of such instances. And those were the only two times when I cried in front of people in my college life. And I hate crying in front of people. So basically, I cried.

Now I'm done schooling. I'm done college. I am a well educated person. And I'm still bullied! And so far I've done nothing. I've listened and I've taken it so lightly that I've laughed on that.

How do you stand up to this? You say something? You do something? What do you do when you're feeling helpless? And the rest of the world is just sitting there judging you how weak you are?

I just want them to know that I'm too strong to break. I won't. And I will stand against this nonsense. I guess some people just have to go through it to test themselves. I am a good person. And I hate being bullied. And I'm done with this shit. No more.

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