Wednesday, 15 February 2017

How do I pick myself up

I've felt down many a times. People do. No biggie. But the important thing how you bounce back. I have my own thing.

1. De-cluttering physically
Off the mess I've made, I like to go back to base 0. Take out all your clothes and re arrange them. Throw out what you don't need. Books too. When I'm hyped with de-cluttering I even clean the house. It feels good. Like you're throwing all the negative thoughts and  keeping the once you need.

2. Treat yourself
After cleaning, I love to take a bath. I even like to take bath when I feel sad. In fact it's one of my hobbies. But not that frequently! (thinking about saving water) Have an ice cream or chocolate. Or a chocolate ice cream. Go out and walk. It is said walking with naked feet on grass makes you rejuvenated. Lie on the grass, and look at the sky. I'd do any of the things as long as I feel good about myself.

3. Make a plan
Now that you love yourself again, think about how can you improvise you or the situation. Someone revealed their problem solving technique to me recently : "Mentally, go far away. As far away as you can, so that your problems look minute. And then rearrange them." and I did like the idea but I've not yet implemented this yet. Personally, I like to write stuff down to get a clear view. My goals, what I'd require what needs to be done, what I can get done the sooner. The latest once are the best, coz as soon as I'm done, I like to strike it off. And oh, it's such a good feeling.

4. Implement
It's like the 80:20 rule. 80% planning and the rest you have to do is show up. It all will be taken care of. If it doesn't, no worries. Try again or a different approach. I love changing. I love trying out new ways to do a thing. See what works out best for you.

And on a leaving note, once you're back up, you will be down again. That's the circle of life. Nobody lives on top forever. Even stars drop. Sun sets. It rains. But it won't stay the same. Times change. And you have to go over everything mentioned above again. So do it with smile. Do it with confidence. Do it while knowing that you will be better than what you were before. Just don't blame yourself. You're good enough.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


I don't know from where to start.

Maybe when I was really small? As long as I can remember, or so what my mom tells me, I've been bullied. And I cried.

School was a little different. Maybe I was lost in the crowd for anyone to focus on me. But till I came to high-school, bullying changes. I was being teased by a shitty guys name for no reason. And the whole lot of people watched. I said nothing.

College was fun. I had good friends. But the worse you feel is when those friends themselves try and bully you. There were two of such instances. And those were the only two times when I cried in front of people in my college life. And I hate crying in front of people. So basically, I cried.

Now I'm done schooling. I'm done college. I am a well educated person. And I'm still bullied! And so far I've done nothing. I've listened and I've taken it so lightly that I've laughed on that.

How do you stand up to this? You say something? You do something? What do you do when you're feeling helpless? And the rest of the world is just sitting there judging you how weak you are?

I just want them to know that I'm too strong to break. I won't. And I will stand against this nonsense. I guess some people just have to go through it to test themselves. I am a good person. And I hate being bullied. And I'm done with this shit. No more.